Sunday, February 24, 2008

Crazy Fake Nurses

I had a pretty crazy phone call the other day. It definitley wasn't my weirdest one ever but it is up there. It was 9:00 on a Thursday morning and I was by myself with 3 of my techs. I answered the phone and a man with a hispanic accent is on the other end....the fact that he is a man with a hispanic accent is very important to the story. Here is the conversation...seriously.

Me: Hello, Shopko pharmacy this is Jen.

Nurse: Yes I would like to call in a prescription, can I speak to the pharmacist.

Me: That's me.

Nurse: (speaking quickly in hispanic) Oh, great. I would like to call in a prescription for Andy Anderson (name change). I need to call in Lortab 5/500...then there is another 5 off to the side I guess you know what that means. And the doctor is Dr. Swenson, you have filled for him before. And...

Me: Hold on, what is your name?

Nurse: Darcy.

Me: (I'm thinking this guys name is Darcy....) And your a nurse?

Darcy: Yeah, what's up? (lots of attitude)

Me: And what was the doctors name?

Darcy: Dr. Swenson, duh.

Me: And where are you calling from?

Darcy: (more attitude) Tanzana.

Me: And where is that?

Darcy: (even more attitude) LA! Hello! What is up with that?

Me: And your really a nurse?

Darcy: Yeah dude, what you don't believe me? (remember the hispanic accent from a boy named Darcy)

Me: Yeah, actually I don't believe you. I think you are trying to call in a fraudulant script. What is your phone number?

Darcy: What's up? Why do you want that?

Me: Because I am going to call you back and verify this script.

Darcy: Fine, it is 818-555-3938 and I will answer the phone when you call.

Me: Alright, sounds good.

I was being as polite as possible with my comments but my tone was definitely not polite when I was talking to Darcy. I was so mad at this point at this so-called-nurses rude attitude and arrogance. I had silenced all the techs and everyones attention was directed at me when I accused the nurse of trying to call in a fraudulant script. So I called the number back. And Darcy did not answer. A girl answered the phone:

Girl: Doctors office.

Me: Yes, is this Dr. Swanson's office?

Girl: Yes, it is.

Me: Yes, I would like to speak to Dr. Swanson please.

Girl: He isn't here today. Would you like to speak to his nurse Darcy.

Me: No I would not. Is there someone else I could talk to?

Girl: No there isn't he is the only nurse here today.

I thought it was kind of weird that there was no doctor in the office and that the only nurse was the hispanic boy named Darcy. So I told them to fax the prescription to me because I refused to talk to Darcy again. However, no fax came that day. In fact Darcy called later that night after I was off work and attempted to call it in to one of my coworkers. However, I had told them the whole story and my co-workers told them we would not fill prescription. Fraudulant script averted!! I couldn't believe how upset this person made me. I wish you could of heard the little boy named Darcy mouth off to me and try to get a narcotic filled from 3 states away. Yeah right buddy, only a rookie would fill that script.


Rhonda Barnes said... wouldn't believe the phone call I got yesterday from a foreigner who was very very upset that we hadn't received 3 letters mailed to us with a claim for his child. I guess she had an accident at school, has accident insurance with the school but Regence is prime. He kept rattling on about our incompendence etc etc and wouldn't even let me talk. I asked him if he told the doctor to bill us first and then school insurance second. He says that isn't his job...I was so close to telling him to go back were he came from if his country would do it better. I did get the insurance phone number, they faxed the clm and I will process it today and fax the school insurance the eob...I then called him back that I rcvd it and will process and he again preceded to go over all his anger again and he has wasted his time on us and 23 minutes and 10 was all I could do to be kind. Some people have all the guts!!!! It is all in a days work. Love Mom

shauna said...

Rookie you are not! Yeh! You go girl. Get all pharmasisting on his a$$. :) That's my sister.