This is the first time I have ever responded to a tag. I'm sorry if someone in the past has tagged me and I haven't responded. I don't get to spend a whole lot of time on the computer because my husband or dog will want me to hang out with them. So here goes the tag given to me from my sista-in-law Natalie (her's was funny by the way) and I will be tagging my BFF Tara Sutton. Okay so here I go for my first tag!
1> What is his name? Adam Robert Leonard
2> How long have you been together? We met freshman year of college (february 2001) but didn't start dating until September 2005. I know what you are thinking, what took him so long to realize I was the coolest girl he would ever meet? I have no idea.
3> How long did you date? We got married in August 2006, so just under a year.
4> Who eats more? Adam always has. He has like a bottomless pit for a stomach and is never full it seems. But you couldn't tell by looking at us because he has a never ending metabolism to match.
5> Who said "I Love You" first? Adam did. We were in Pullman for a weekend football game and we were shopping at the Moscow mall and we were waiting for our friends to get done at the sporting good store and he said "I Love you" in the shoe section. It worked for me. I said it to him right back.
6> Who is taller? Thanks goodness Adam is, I'm already wider I wouldn't be able to stand it if I was taller too.
7> Who sings better? It has got to be Adam in all accounts. I'm not bad but I suck at hymns and I have a very narrow range in which I sound okay. He sings really good especially when he plays guitar.
8> Who is smarter? I have to take this one since I am the only one with a college degree so far, he will be finishing his this spring hopefully (love you honey).
9> Who does the laundry? I do. He will do it too if I ask or if he wants something cleaned. But usually it is me who does it and he will help fold as long as they aren't whites. He hates folding whites.
10> Who does the dishes? We both do this one pretty evenly. Usually who ever cooks the other does dishes.
11> Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, if the right side is when you are actually laying down on the bed then Adam does. He always sleeps on his right side and I always sleep on my belly and look over my right shoulder because I can't sleep looking at people, expecially if I can feel their breath.
12> Who pays the bills? That would be me. I have always been a little anal over my expenses. I have to know exactly where my money is and how much I have all the time.
13> Who mows the lawn? Adam does. He keeps the yard very well kept all the time.
14> Who cooks dinner? This is another one where we are pretty even. Although Adam does cook a lot of good things and if we added it up he might have cooked more than I have since we have been married.
15> Who drives when you are together? Adam always does. I don't think he likes the way I drive. He thinks I am rough on the car.
16> Who kissed who first? Adam kissed me. But we both really wanted to I was just too scared since I had liked him since we met and it took me 5 years to find out he was even interested.
17> Who asked who out first? It depends on what our first date was. If it was the Jack Johnson concert than I asked him out first. If it was our trip to Leavenworth after the concert than it was Adam who asked first.
18> Who proposed? He did. It as a very cute way he did it too. We had been talking about marriage and he surprised me by coming to my apartment and staying for the weekend. He was at my house setting everything up while I was at work and when I came home there was a trail of roses and candles to my room. There was tons of flowers and candles in my room and he came in with his guitar, serenated me with a song, got down on one knee and proposed. It was very sweet.
19> Who is more sensitive? I'm gonna have to say Adam is.
20> Who has more friends? If you are talking about people you call and hang out with, Adam does. There is like two people I feel comfortable calling to hang out with, okay, maybe just one.
21> Who has more siblings? I definitely do since Adam is an only child.
22> Who wears the pants in the family? I would say we both have one leg each:)